​​​Van Lakes HOA



From Glenn Clover - Rayl Engineering...

As we discussed previously, and to assist you with your homeowner meeting this week, here is a bullet-point list of the current status and projected path of the drainage remediation project. You can use these points in conjunction with the packet I sent earlier (attached via this link):
Past actions and present status:
- Multiple field site visits have been undertaken to map and better understand/evaluate the current stormwater management systems in the Van Lakes subdivisions.
- Research has been done in Polk County and SWFWMD records to determine and understand the design and installation of the original systems.
- Meeting and discussions have occurred with SWFWMD and County staff to determine what options are available to the HOA in the attempt to remedy the current water incursion and apparent failure of the site stormwater management systems. As we have discussed, the HOA is allowed to perform maintenance as necessary to return the systems to their original installed conditions without having to apply for a new permit from SWFWMD. This is further discussed below.
- Engagement of a land surveyor to survey and delineate the existing stormwater system installations. This work is in the planning stage.
- Evaluation of existing conditions in phases 2 & 3 (Flag Court, Van Lakes Boulevard, and Liberty Lane) and planning of remedial work to be performed there.
Projected project path:
- We can immediately start work on restoring the systems in phases 2 & 3 to their original configurations. This will entail regrading and resodding the area behind the street curbs back to the front lot lines (the road right-of-way lines). The elevations will be restored to match the original conditions, and the "ditch-blocks" will be reconstructed to restore the rainwater-holding capacity of the areas between the curb and right-of-way line. The restored areas will be reconstructed to their original configurations and elevations using the original design plans. Rayl Engineering will produce bid document packages and assist the HOA in selection of a suitable contractor for the work.
- It may seem counterproductive to start with phase 2&3 areas, when the water incursions are occurring mainly in phase 1 areas (Van Drive). Having reviewed the original designs and current topography, however, we believe the phase 2&3 areas are contributing significantly to the problems being experienced on Van Drive. In the original designs, runoff from the upper two phases was to be captured and held back by the ditch-blocks in the roadside swales, allowing percolation of the accumulated runoff into the ground. Regrading of the swales, however -including removal of the ditch-blocks - now allows all the runoff from the upper areas to flow freely downhill. The Van Drive phase 1 areas are 5'-10' lower than the upper two phases, and appear to be where the water from phases 2&3 is flowing to, causing or contributing to the flooding.
- While the phase 2&3 reconfiguration work is going on, the survey work in phase 1 can be completed and design plans created to reconstruct the phase 1 system, including the surface inlets and their associated gravel-filled infiltration basins. As with the phase 2&3 work, Rayl Engineering will assist the HOA in securing bids and selecting a contractor for the work.